- A noun is a part of speech (a word or phrase) typically denoting a person, thing, place, event, substance, quality or idea.
Countable noun
a) It is a noun which is for things we can count.
Examples of countable nouns: table, bag, school We can say: one table, two tables... one bag, two bags...
b) It usually has a plural form:
Examples: table > tables | bag > bags | school > schools
Examples: table > tables | bag > bags | school > schools
Uncountable noun
a) It is a noun which is for things we cannot count.
Examples of uncountable nouns: tea, sugar, water, air, rice.
b) Uncountable nouns are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.
Examples: knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.
c) They usually do not have a plural form.(neither singular nor plural). They are used with a
singular verb.
Examples: we cannot say "sugars, angers, knowledges".
Examples of uncountable nouns: tea, sugar, water, air, rice.
b) Uncountable nouns are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.
Examples: knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.
c) They usually do not have a plural form.(neither singular nor plural). They are used with a
singular verb.
Examples: we cannot say "sugars, angers, knowledges".
Singular nouns
Examples : boy, girl, book, church
a) Regular - ends in s
Examples :
b) Irregular - change in vowel
Examples :
Same singular and plural nouns
Examples : a sheep - two sheep
a fish - many fish
a deer - two deer
a pants - two pants
a scissors - two scissors
Abstract ideas
a) Cannot be seen or touched in the same way as concrete nouns such as chair, table or dog.
b) Abstract nouns are ideas, feelings or qualities such as love, hate, kindness, fear, anger, imagination,
courage, intelligence, loneliness, happiness, sadness, bravery, cowardice, embarrassment, joy, beauty, ugliness, confidence, luck, misfortune, mischief, bitterness, justice, injustice, grief, boredom, cheerfulness.
A noun can function in sentence as:
a) subject
b) direct object
c) indirect object
d) subject complement
e) object complement
f) adjective
g) adverb
Usually occurs with determiners
Basic determiners are from :i) determiner class
Examples : the girl, those boxes
ii) determiner phrase
Examples : almost all people, more than two problems
Subject determiners are possessive noun phrase :
Examples : her father, Lisa's car
1) Verb Function
= act as the subject of the verb ( Ali eats ice cream)
= act as the object of the verb ( Ali eats ice cream)
= act as complement of the verb ( They are women)
= abstract nouns derived from verbs ( breakage, agreement)
= verbs used like nouns ( swimming)
2) Adjectives Function
= abstract nouns derived from adjectives ( importance, darkness)= adjectives used like nouns ( The rich)
= nouns follow the adjectives ( large mice)
3) Article Function
= end a phrase which begin with an article ( A drunk.)
4) Quantifier Function
= end a phrase which begin with a quantifier ( Either way)
5) Modifier Function
= nouns as modifiers of other nouns ( body temperature, flower shop)
Gender nouns
i) masculine gender - all words representing male.
- Example : boy, king
ii) feminine gender - all words representing female.
- Example : girl, queen
iii) neuter gender - inanimate object
- Example : book, chair, pen
iv) common gender - males or females
- Example : friend, cousin
Genitives nouns
- nouns with apostrophe 's
Example : Karen's pen
my father and mother's friend
soldiers' guns (possession for plural nouns)
Type Of Pronouns
> Personal pronouns - me
> Reflexive & emphasizing pronouns - himself
> Demonstrative pronouns - this
> Possessive pronouns - mine
> Interrogative pronouns - whom were you dancing with?
> Indefinite pronouns - all
> Reciprocal pronouns - each other
> Relative Pronouns - The boy who find the coins will receive a pen.
- are uses to name a person,place or thing.
- concrete (man, country)
Proper nouns/ Proper names
- the names of unique entities, country, month, day...(Ali, German, Monday)
* Other nouns are called common nouns ( girl, planet, country)
- refers to a person, place in a general sense.
- only capitalised when begin a sentence.
some exercises :